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My mom plays a big role in my life. I know that my struggles have been hard for her and I asked if she would share some of her thoughts and feelings. That is what my blog is about. Not just my life. The other people in my life and the people who have similar stories and passions. Thanks mom for writing this and always being there to talk.

The last several months have been challenging to say the least. Sleepless nights, a feeling of helplessness, worry, concern, being overwhelmed, fretting, anxiety. Pick one or all of them.

As you are likely aware, Lacey has been dealing with some major health issues. While they are very serious, they are not life threatening and can be managed with medication. I know she will be ok, but as her mother, I need to be there when she has her surgery. It’s one thing to get updates, and another thing to physically be there able to support her through her recovery.

Lacey has had to deal with a lot of other things over these last several months, and not to be cliche, but I know when one door closes another one always opens. Are we ready to take the next step and go through the door? I know everything happens for a reason.

Sure, it’s easy to say the timing really sucks, but, when we don’t pay attention, the universe will knock us over the head until we wake up. This has been Lacey’s wake up call.

These last few months have been the catalyst for her to take a good hard look at where she’s at in her life. She has learned a lot about herself, her choices, reactions and feelings in regards to the situations that have put her where she is today. She has questioned herself, her sanity and state of mind, her past and present relationships. She continues to do so, as she tries to deal with everything that is going on.

Lacey and I have a good relationship, one that is based on open honest conversations. She shares a lot with me, and I am grateful that she does. I have to say though, it is often very heart breaking to hear her pod casts and read her posts.

She is a strong and passionate woman and now looking at the next chapter in her life. I know she will tackle this with the same passion she puts into everything she does. She has been the one that wanted to live life, to be an active participant, not a observer. To be a leader, not a follower. To break the mould, to be true to herself. To live in the present and not worry about the future.

As her mother, I do and will continue to support her knowing she wants to make a difference, is motived to share her story, openly and with integrity. I will always be your mom, and love you unconditionally.”

– Debbie Elliott AKA your mom