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As I start my morning off I can not get this quote out of my head. I have so many dreams and goals and aspirations. I always have. As kids we dream of becoming a vet, or being superman. We have imaginary play friends and adventures in the back of our closests. Life seems like anything is possible.Then, somewhere along the way, the dreaming stops.

Failure. Rejection. Negativity. They all take turns knocking us down, pushing us back and doing their best to keep us there. It hurts. And we do not want to get hurt again. So what do we do?

In order to protect ourselves, most of us stop trying. We stop dreaming, we stop moving forward. It’s safer to just stay put and keep ourselves in a comfortable place. It becomes our fears and insecurities that control our actions. If we don’t take a risk, we don’t risk failing… why don’t we realize at this point that we risk succeeding as well?

I am writting my first book. The outline is done and most of the major ideas have been put onto paper. I have to send out a questionaire and do more research but then it will be done. My book will be done. That seems easy enough and I have been very much on task with it. But once its done, I have to find a publisher and a sponser to help pay the costs… and this terrifies me. This will mean someone else will have to read it. What if they don’t like it? What if I make a mistake with some of my research? What if no one wants to buy it? I could go on. This is my biggest struggle. The ‘what if’ questions pop up daily for me.

My dream is to empower women. To speak to others and touch them with my words and stories. My dream is to see my book in someones hand while we are taking transit together.

What kind of dreams do you have and what fears are you actually living into? Take a deep breath and take one small action today towards your dream and away from your fear.