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I spent 10 days in Puerto Vallarta to bring in 2017. My boyfriend and I booked an all inclusive 5 star adult only resort. It was a very different vacation for me. I ate and drank whatever I wanted. I didn’t think about calories or fat content.

Unfortunately, I ate something that didn’t agree with me. The last night in the hotel I spent all my time in the bathroom. The flight home was exactly the same. The first 3 days back in my own house split between the couch, my bed and the bathroom floor.

It’s been 2 weeks since I got home and I am feeling about 99%. *** Warning *** I am about to share some super personal information that might be a bit gross for some.

It’s my poop. It’s my poop that has been keeping me from saying I am 100%. Before I left for vacation it was normal and healthy. I cannot seem to get it back to where ‘normal’ needs to be for me.

I am not a poop expert so the information I am going to share it just based on my own sh*t and my own research.  To get my gut healthy, starting today I am adding some probiotics to my diet. Probiotics are bacteria that line your digestive tract and support your body’s ability to absorb nutrients and fight infection. They are found in fermented foods like kefir, kimchi and kambocha. Other nutrients that are important to gut health that I take daily are zinc and fish oil.

I strongly believe that healthy bowel movements are important. Anything abnormal is a key indicator that something is wrong.

Here is an interesting site on healthy poop