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Disclaimer; I freaking love musicals.  I will do my best to be unbiased, but I got shivers down my arm the first time I saw the trailer for this movie.

The Greatest Showman opens  with the credits and showing Hugh Jackman under the stands filled with people.  His silhouette is  moving in time with each bellow from the choras and the  heavy beat of the music. “Ladies and gents, this is the moment you’ve waited for (woah)”  I am entranced immediately and holding my breath waiting for what ever is next.

Supposedly based on the life of P.T Barnum, the founder and creator of the Barnum & Bailey Circus.  I had no idea what the story was about before I sat down in the theatre.  The storyline was not the reason I was in this theatre.  I was hooked by the beautiful trailer with magical lyrics and entrancing dancers with a hint of an incredible love story.

The Greatest Showman is filled with some fantastic lyrics. “This is the greatest show! Its everything you ever want, its everything you ever need.” I am not movie critic but this won’t be the last movie I reviewd here.  With that being said, I hope you will see what it is I saw in this not so mainstream movie.  I knew I wanted to see this on the big screen to see the choreography and colorful costumes come to life.

Wether you are a little person, beareded lady, dog boy, an entrancing singer or a perfeclty stunning  trapeze artist.  We all have our fears and insecurities.  We all worry that one day, someone will look at us like we don’t belong.   Some will see through our smile and see the real us.  Some of us coward and hide. Others act out in anger.  Some will break through and come out on top, but others will break down and bleed.

The story is timless and can teach something to us all “I’m not a stranger to the dark.  Hide away, they say  ’cause we don’t want your broken parts.  I’ve learned to be ashamed of all my scars, run away, they say.  No one will love you as you are.” Every human being has felt this at one point, some for a fleeting moment but others for their entire lives.  Will someone love us for who we are? When they see our scars and our broken parts, will they love us anyways?

Stop right now and look at your life. Are you happy?  Something must touch your heart and make you smile, even if it is just a small smile.  What do you have right in this moment that you might take for granted? Food on your plate, a roof over your head, a child or animal that loves you unconditionally?

I know I am a dreamer.  The Greatest Showman reminded me of that, it must be the Pisces in me. A hopeless romantic. Someone who is always looking outside for more or greater things when all the magic and greatness that I need is right here.  I fear sometimes that I have lost out on some amazing things because of this.  This movie has reminded me to see what is real. What is right in front of me.

“It’s everything you ever want, it’s everything you ever need. And it is right here in front of you.”

This was not the greatest movie ever, it won’t even make my top 10. But it touched me.  THe message spoke to me and I felt like I was part of the audience watching the story unfold.   The lyrics, the music and the charming characters played off each other and everything came together effortlessly.  I think seeing this as a live performance would have made it even more powerful.  It is the chemistry and beautifully written lyrics that made me sad when it all came to an end.

Was PT Barnum a business man who sold nothing but lies to people? I have a feeling that many out there think he was.  As a fellow dreamer, I still believe in magic.  I believe that dreams can come true and one day a man will look at me like Zac Efrons character does when he first sees the trapeze artist.  PT Barnum sold dreams

It really is right here in front of me.