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I don’t think I will ever know the real reason that he hit me.  I don’t want to admit it, who does?  By admitting it out loud, it changes things.  If I admit that I let someone control me, means that I was not in control of myself.  As a strong woman, a woman who lives on my own, pays my own bills and can rely 100% on myself – how could I be so weak to let someone else tell what how stupid I am?

My ex husband cheated on me.  Not just with one woman. That might have been easier. Nope, he cheated on me with several women and at least one man.  Seeing the emails and the photos and the videos… it hurt.  I take part of the responsibility for seeing them.  I had a private investigator get into his emails.  Note to self and to anyone reading this: If you have to hire a private investigator to check on your husband, you are already in a bad, bad place.

It hurt my soul and shattered my heart.  I had given everything good to this man.  I sacrificed and loved and supported him.  I showed up the best I possibly thought that I could and it was not good enough for him.

I was not good enough.

My self respect was at zero.

I felt like garbage.

So I dated ass holes.  The good men I pushed away.  Somewhere deep inside I didn’t think I deserved to be treated that way.  I had shown up at my best for my husband and it wasn’t enough. I was not worthy of a good man.

It took several years to step back and see what I had become.

It took the biggest asshole of them all to wake me up and admit the hardest thing I had ever had to admit out loud.

I kept quiet because I thought I deserved it.

In his own words “I slapped her upside the head because…”

If I had not been so stupid, he wouldn’t have hit me.  If I didn’t act so weird he wouldn’t have to yell at me and call me a cunt.

You know what I mean – because you have been there, too. You have been with a partner who gets mad (really mad) at you when you do something they don’t agree with.  Normal conversations go out the window.  You get yelled at and told it is all your fault.

He said I was crazy. So I went to therapy.  I went to counselling to ‘get better.’  He wasn’t going to go with me.  It was my baggage, my problems, all my issues.  This had nothing to do with him.

I invited him to come with me and he lost his shit on me.  He was not the one with the problem, he yelled.  He shouldn’t be dating someone who needed to have a therapist.  Their was nothing wrong with him.  My actions, me being stupid had made him this way.

He never did anything wrong.

It was never his fault.

I was weird, stupid, a bitch and a cunt.

The idea that a relationship took two people made him laugh! I was the one that was fucked up and I was the one who needed to change.

You know what I am talking about.  You know because you have been there, too.

We broke up because I was a crazy bitch.  He left because he couldn’t deal with me anymore.  My mood swings, my stupidness – me, me and me.

He went on a crazy rant on Facebook and said “I slapped me upside the head because…” is there any reason in the world that one human DESERVES to be hit by another?  “Yes, I slapped her because I couldn’t put up with her lies and her cheating!” The first two months we dated he lost his shit because I bought an ex boyfriend an birthday gift.  I get it, he didn’t’ like it.  It made him feel… ? I don’t know how it made him feel.  I was a stupid bitch for doing it and shouldn’t treat him so poorly.

I am pressing assault charges against him.

Do I have any other choice?

He has admitted to slapping me upside the head.  FOUR TIMES ON MY FACEBOOK PROFILE and ONCE ON HIS?! Is he proud of what he did Is he looking for other people to congratulate him for doing it? Is he trying to justify his poor behaviour? It seems simple to me. He hit me.

This is no longer a case of ‘he said, she said’ and trying to prove that I am the victim here. With everything going on in the world today – how is it acceptable to ADMIT ON SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM THAT YOU HIT SOMEONE?!

It is much easier to blame someone else. It is very hard to stop and look in the mirror and admit when we fuck up.  We are raised in a society to be perfect, don’t make a mistake, make sure you colour within the lines.

I let a man break me down.  I stayed with a man who controlled me and made me feel like a crazy bitch for not doing what he told me to do.  I did nothing.

I have lied.  I have made mistakes.  I have made choices in my life that other people don’t agree with.  I am a good person with a kind heart and I want to be the best that I can be.   I do not want to live a life that is determined by what someone else tells me to do or be.

For those of you out there who have reached out and shared with me THANK YOU. We are not alone.  We have to stand up and take a stand. Together we are stronger.

I am not responsible for anyones actions but my own. Neither are you.