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I am six months post tumour removal.  As I see the words, I still can’t believe it.  It was May 11, 2017.  Six months from today that I had my craniotomy and my meningioma removed.

I am alive.  It seems like such an incredible thing.  Going into the hospital that day.  The weeks leading up to that day.  I was terrified that I could die.  I didn’t.  I am here. Healthy. Happy and into full recovery.
Waking up after my tumour removal

Day one of recovery in the hospital.

Everyone will recover differently.  But I am sure that my story will be able to give others an idea of what to expect if they are going through something similar.

I had a meningioma removed from my frontal lobe.  Measuring 3.8cm in diameter and once removed, the surgeon confirmed it was not cancerous.

First month I was tired beyond words.

I think I slept 18 hours a day for the first 10 days at least. It was tiring to watch TV or even talk to people.  It felt like it took so much energy to

My surgeon did a great job.

even think. Not only did I have a horrible headache where the incision was healing, my thoughts hurt.  You know when you are trying to concentrate on something really hard?  It felt like that just to tell people how I was feeling.  I was taking two Tylenol3 every 4-5 hours for the pain.  It was very uncomfortable to lay down flat and hurt if I rolled onto the right side of my head. I spent these four weeks on the the lazy boy recliner.  A quick check up with the neurosurgeon to make sure everything was on track.  He said that I won’t have to see him again this point forward.

The second month was better than I had anticipated!

My pain was being managed with nothing more than two extra strength Tylenol as needed.  Some days I would take six and some days I took none. I was sleeping eight hours a night but not comfortably.  The wound still hurt when I would  roll over on it.  I was sleeping in my bed but had an orthopaedic pillow to keep it propped up. And I was still tired.  One day, I was supposed to meet a friend and had to cancel her.  I took a shower and half way through blow drying my hair I had to rest.

This was very hard for me.  I was a super active independent woman.  The extreme tiredness made me super frustrated.   I think if I had kids this would have been worse.  I was not walking Jasper more than 10 minutes a day.  And this small amount of exercise felt like I had ran half a marathon.

Before and after.

I had issues opening my mouth.  This was a problem the first four weeks but I was so focused on my headaches I didn’t notice my jaw.  I so badly wanted to take a bit into a hamburger but physically couldn’t open wide enough.  Sounds like they damaged a jaw muscle when they cut into my head.  My amazing chiropractor did the graston technique on it and adjust my jaw.  This was not TMJ.  It is late – but I am working on a video for my youtube channel showing some of the work she did.  For anyone experiencing this, it can be fixed and it was pretty easy.  I think I had three sessions and I was back to eating burgers. I am getting back to my old self. No pain killers at all.  Random, awful shooting pains happed on my scar.  It felt like someone was stabbing my skull with a knife. It only last a few minutes a time so pain meds wouldn’t have helped.  I was told this is jus the nerves re-connecting and was normal.  It made my eyes water but was over quickly so I didn’t have much to complain about. I was back driving and was getting a bit stir crazy.

A quick check up with my family doctor because I was feeling ready to go back to work.  Other than fatigue, I felt like I was ok.

4TH and 5TH MONTH.

I was really ready to get back to normal life.  Going back to work and had virtually no pain.  But I was still tired and weak.  I got the thumbs up to go back to my normal life.  Gym, yoga, hikes etc.  But was told to listen to my body.  I gained fifteen pounds and was desperate to get them off.  Everything that once came as second nature was now a challenge. It was hard for me to ask for help, but it still took effort to be on my feet for more than a few hours at a time.  Walking Jasper, doing yoga and hitting the gym was difficult but I forced myself to go.

The scar was unbelievably itchy and tight.  I shaved off my hair again because I wanted to see how it was healing.  The lady who does my bikini waxes said I had several ingrown hairs.  Makes sense! I had 26 pretty big stitches and my hair was trying to grow back.  She picked and prodded and gave me some stuff to put on it.


I wish I could say I am 100%.  The pain is gone.  I might have had one stabbing feeling for a few seconds last week?  But it was minor and really I feel a non- issue.  My head feels tight.  When I yawn or laugh it feels different than it did before. I can not get off the last 10pounds and I don’t think I will.  Sounds like some of the medication I was previously – some steroids or anti-seizure medication can effect hormones.  The fact that I am officially ‘older’ and my hormones were changing anyways I think i am fighting an uphill battle.  Add to the fact that I am still weaker than I ever was.

I bought my RV and am moving into it full time December 1!  This brain tumour gave me a new lease on life and I am not going to waste a second of it. Life is short and I am grateful to be alive and healthy after the surgery.

I will go in next May for a follow up MRI to make sure the tumour has not come back.  My fingers are crossed! This experience was not easy and I do hope that I won’t have to do it again. If you, or someone you know has a brain tumour that is benign.  The recovery might not be that bad.   Just have patience and take the time you need to heal.