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As the end of 2018 approaches, most of my social media feed is filled with New Years Resolutions. What is it that you are going to stop doing or change in your life suddenly when you wake up on the morning of January 1, 2019?

It really makes no sense to me. You wait all year to decide on one or two things that you sort of kind of want to change. I say ‘sort of kind of’ because if you REALLY wanted to make it happen, why the fuck are you waiting? If this is important in your life; you would not be waiting to put your plan into action.

Yet most of us do it anyways. I admit – I am guilty, too.

And year, after year after year… we fall flat. We talk big on social media and proudly share our goals with the people in our lives. As soon as Christmas is over we start to declare all the incredible things that we are going to change magically as of midnight Dec 31.

Did you know that, only 8% of people will achieve the goals they set for their New Years Resolutions. This is a great link that also shares how that 8% does it. How to keep your NY resolutions

We make excuses. Yes, any reason you give to put off your resolution is just an excuses.

– “The gym is most likely closed on January 1 anyways. So, the fact that I missed the first day to go to the gym every day and drop 10 pounds. Doesn’t really count.”

– “I have three smokes left in the pack. And technically, January 1 is still a holiday so I might as well wait until I am back to work, right?”

– “I forgot to buy some healthier snacks so I will just eat this bag of chips, today. The stores are most likely all closed anyways.”

– “They are only going to have Eggnog Lattes at Starbucks for another few weeks. It won’t be a big deal if I just have one more… this will really be my last one.”

Sound familiar?

According to static’s, 80% of New Years resolutions fail by the first week in February.

As I spent months waiting to have my brain tumour removed, a thought plagued me every waking moment “Why wait? Why have I wasted so much of my life waiting? Why have I put off some many things?”

I know I am not alone. Regret is a a beast that has bitten most of us at some point in our lives. And some have been bit a lot harder than others. Several people that I met while dealing with my personal health issues are dead. Reminding family and friends who mourn them that life is precious and we shouldn’t waste a second of it.

Still intent on making your New Years resolutions?  A good friend wrote a fabulous blog with some helpful tips.  Click here to get some inspiration –  11 ways to make your Resolutions stick!

My advice, today, on December 31, 2019 for all of you wanting to change your life. It is very simple. Start right now.  Stop reading this post and GO DO IT!

If this is important to you then stop making excuses. Because that is exactly what you have been doing most of your fucking life! You and only you: control how you eat, if you chose to be active or not, how you spend your money. Excuse the profanities but after years of working with clients this gets me so worked up!

Want to start eating healthier? Just do it NOW. Get dressed up and go out for your reservations tonight with your friends. When it comes time to order – Make a healthier choice. Don’t tell yourself, “Just one more night won’t matter.” Because it does. This is your habit – you have taught yourself that ‘just one more time won’t matter’ over and over.

You don’t have to order steamed veggies and a small chicken breast and skip dessert – IT IS NEW YEARS EVE AFTER ALL!! Maybe skip dessert this time? If you are like me and have a sweet tooth, then have steamed veggies and chicken instead of lasagna. This way, you will enjoy the shit out of that cheesecake!!

You will feel so proud when midnight comes around. Why? Because you did it – TODAY. It wasn’t a false promise of tomorrow, you put your thoughts into action!! And you were successful!

It is rare that people will make drastic changes over night. It does happen sometimes, but not often. What happens FREQUENTLY is people take small steps in a positive direction.  These steps becoming easier – then they become bigger and before you know it – SUCCESS!

I have learned two things in my life. #1 – When we want something bad enough we make it happen, when we dont, we make excuses. #2 – A couple of small steps in the right direction is a million times better than no step at all

Reflection and growth is a part of New Years resolutions that I like. However, why wait until the one day of the year that everyone else is doing the same thing?  Take a moment to reflect today.  What did you learn? How did you fail at your goals?  How will you make TODAY different that’s yesterday?

This life is yours to live – so live it the best you can and dont wait until tomorrow or next year.  Becuase you have no idea if either of those will be your reality.