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If we are not growing we are dying.  Self improvement books are always a hot topic for me.  They get me excited.  I am committed to continuous learning.  Picking up at least one new book every year.  

I think sharing knowledge is important.  I sat down to make a list of my favourite personal development books.  Without even thinking I had a list of ten scribbled down in no time.  Then I looked at the list and narrowed it down to the few that made the biggest impact on me.

Books give me comfort.  A physical item that I can hold in my hands.  Curl up on a cold night and fully immerse myself in it.  I am a note taker, too.  All of these books I have folded corners, highlighted and scribbled my thoughts as I read.

If you have been watching my YouTube videos or listening to my podcasts you might find this bit strange.  I want to encourage you to get and and take action.  Not to sit at home reading another self help book.

However, I know that if you are here. You and I are very similar.  You are looking for something.  A sentence, paragraph or a quote that will touch you in such a way that you wake up and take action.

My goal with sharing my journey is that something I say might encourage you.  Or possibly point you in a direction that will get you to make the changes you so badly want to make.

If you are interested in buying any of them, I have an affiliate link for each of them.  That means that if you buy any of these books from the link on this page, I will make a commission. This is the first time I have done a post like this and want you to know that I will never post a link here for anything that I wouldn’t suggest to my best friends.

We are building a community here.  It is important to me that I am being authentic with my opinions and feelings.  If you do order any of these books.  Physical ones or down load on audible. I WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!  Please leave a comment.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – This was the fist self improvement book I ever read.  I found it the summer after I graduated from high school.  Loved it so much that I immediately bought the work book to go with it and read it for the second time.  You will hear me talk a lot about these habits.  I will make sure to reference this book in future posts and vlogs when they come up. This book is about developing that core set of values for your own life.   The outcome making it easy to draw solutions to problems from them, making you a much more effective person in all aspects of life. The author, Stephen Covey has some other books ‘The 8th Habit and ‘First Things First.’  I have read them as well.  They are all right.  In my option, none of them are as powerful as the first book he wrote.  Order your own copy either hard cover, paper back or download and listen on audible  7 Habits of Highly Effective People . And don’t forget to add on the personal work book to make this learning even deeper. Personal workbook


THE SUBTLE ART OF NOT GIVING A F*CK  This is one book that I preferred listening to on audible.  Click here to order in your preferred format.   I listened to this at least three times.  When I saw the title I instantly knew it was a book that I needed.  My biggest struggle was… and still is… caring about other peoples opinions of me.  Because of the narration in this book I have become so much better at not caring.  Stepping out of the box and doing what I want to do.  Not letting others influence me and my choices. There are only so many things we can give a fuck about.  It is important to figure out which ones really matter, Manson makes clear. While money is nice, caring about what you do with your life is better, because true wealth is about experience.  Order this amazing book in any format CLICK HERE  “Mark’s ability to dig deep and offer amazing, yet counter-intuitive, insight into the challenges of life makes him one of my favorite writers, and this book is his best work yet.” – Matt Kepnes, New York Timesbestselling author of Travel the World on $50 a Day: Travel Cheaper, Longer, Smarter


THE POWER OF STARTING SOMETHING STUPID.  How many times have you wanted to do something that receives the response, “That’s stupid!”   A friend or co-worker responds by telling you, without even being asked for an opinion just how dumb your idea really is.  An idea that quiet possibly had kept you up the night before with so much excitement!  Only to be shot down by one persons point of view.  Did you know that Amazon was a stupid idea for Jeff Bezos to start? And no one would be stupid enough to give up their horse and buggy for an automobile.  Most great ideas started as being labeled ‘stupid’. This blog, my YouTube channel the books I am writing are all ‘stupid’ to several people.  But – thanks to the last book – Fuck it. Who cares?   I think these two books go great together.  Order the Power of Starting Something Stupid CLICK HERE “Richie Norton has written a book about courage.  The courage to do work that matters and to do it with your heart and soul.  Go make something happen.” – Seth Godin


STRENGTH FINDER  Our society is so focused on improving our weaknesses.  A child brings home poor grades in English but great marks in math.  Parents focus on how to get better at English.  So many self improvement books talk about getting better at the things that are ‘wrong’ with us.  Focus on improving our weak points. This book changed how I looked at some of the things I used to hate about myself.  For example.  I talked a lot -and growing up, I was told that was bad.  However,  with this great book,  I have learned that communication is my number one strength!  Talking to strangers and making everyone feel heard is a gift I have.  Writhing, story telling… the reason you are reading this post. It is far more desirable to be coming from a strength rather than a weakness as you begin with confidence, aware of your capabilities.  You need to buy the book and get a special code to take an online quiz in order to get your five strengths.  Each code can only be used once.  This is a great book to give as a gift to anyone who is is into self-improvement because of its different approach.   The unique code can only be used once.   Order it here. And get started on building your strengths. 

It was easy to pick these four books.  They jumped in my head right away because of the major impact they  all made in my life.  For almost 20 years I read books and scoured the internet to find the answers I needed to change my life.  Hopefully something you find here will give you some of the inspiration you are looking for. 

All of these are posted on my facebook page. Please go and share your comments and thoughts if you have read them.