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Life is a journey.  Filled with bumps and detours and moments of getting lost.  Road trips are no different.  Remember what it felt like when you were just learning to drive?  Even if you were excited, learning something new is always a bit scary.  We seem to be conditioned the older we get that learning something new is too hard. So we just don’t bother.  It is easier to stay safe and to not risk looking like an idiot.  But now, I have been driving for 20 years and I don’t even give it a second thought.  It is a natural and easy task that I feel 100% confident performing.  The reality is – anything in life can be like this!  Sometimes the best views and the coolest adventures happen because of detours we never meant to take.  We pushed in a direction out of our control and we just make the best of it.   Sometimes we have no choice – but we end up with some pretty cool adventures because of it.