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My love for driving started when I first got my drivers licence and I realized that driving equals freedom.  It was shortly after my 16th birthday that I bought my first car:  a Pontiac J200 hatchback.  Something cheap  meant I could do what I wanted when I wanted to do it.  Going on my first solo road trip I learned first hand that the best therapy in life is a drive and music.

Being a teenager is tough. It doesn’t matter what generation you grew up in, we all have our share of struggles.

Kids are mean and we are all plagued with insecurities that seem to just feed the bullies.  I was a band geek and was not in the popular crowd.  School was just a place I had to go because it was expected of me.  Dragging my self to math and science and just waiting for the class to end.  Somedays I dreaded the sound of the school bell because it meant dealing with all the bullshit that came with the end of the school day.

Music will change your energy.

“An old man turned ninety-eight.
He won the lottery and died the next day.
It’s a black fly in your Chardonnay
It’s a death row pardon two minutes too late
Isn’t it ironic, don’t you think?”
– Alanis Morissette “Ironic”




I remember rolling down my windows and cranking the volume.  The sun shining on my skin and the wind messing up my hair something fierce!  Long highway stretches with incredible scenery took my breath away.  Screaming the lyrics to my favourite songs with no one around to hear me.   Out of tune and making up the words when I don’t know what they are.  Not giving a crap about where I am going or who can hear me.


Being behind the wheel gives me some kind of super power to just ignore the rest of the world.

We all go through bad times in our lives.  The older I get the more I realize that everyone has their own shit on any given day.  And we all have our own way of dealing with those moment.  No matter your age, your race or where in the world you live, music changes our energy.  I know each and everyone of you reading this has a favourite song.  A favourite album and or a favourite artist.  The theme music for our lives.

The soundtrack to our lives.  A broken heart, our graduation song, music from summer vacations, the first dance at our wedding.  With just a few simple notes, we relive some of the highlights – and low lights – of our lives.  It is not always the lyrics.   Sometimes it is just the notes and rhythm that touch our souls and move us.

No longer a teenager, I still have struggles. Who doesn’t?  Life is filled with ups and downs for all of us and we deal with it the best way we can.  Anxiety is my grown-up problem.  Medication and counselling is a great help.  I also started to take CBD oil to help.  Here is a more in depth look at how anxiety is having a negative effect on my life.  Why I Started Taking CBD oil

No matter what though,  I still find that the best therapy is a long drive and music.  Currently these three songs are my go to therapy when I take a drive …

What are your songs to make you feel better when you are having a bad day?