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To know you why, is to better understand your purpose in life.

This is a question that many of us try to answer more than just once in our adult life time. As kids, we don’t really care. We are carefree. The younger we are, the more we live in the moment and just embrace life for what it is. Children ask “But why?” on a daily basis because they want to understand the world around them more. However, as we get older, the question of “why?” takes on new meaning. It becomes an existential question that we use to try and guide our entire lives on the answer. It is the search that most adults embrace to discover our purpose in life.

Why do you want to get out of bed every day? What is the WHY that is driving you to do the things you do?

A brain tumour a few years ago changed the answers to those questions for me. The things that I used to feel were important shifted when I had to come face to face with my own mortality. I am not going to live forever; none of us are. And the worst part of this realization is that there is absolutely nothing that any of us can do about it. Sure, we can try and avoid it, but at the end of the day – something great than ourselves will make that choice for us. I am grateful to be alive and thankful for 5 Things Brain Surgery Taught Me

When you start to accept that death is unavoidable, you start to question your own purpose in life

Then, in early 2020, COVID 19 had a devastating effect on the entire globe and everyone was forced to look differently at life. I doubt most people even knew they were doing it. But, if your job, your family, your daily activities were affected, then there is only way to cope with changes like this. You must re-examine your life and more importantly, figure out what truly matters to you.

Knowing your why in this world will help to create a roadmap for your life. It would be like driving into a traffic circle without knowing where you wanted to go. The exits are clearly marked with the destinations but if you don’t know what your final objective is, you will just keep going around and around in circles.

Simon Sinek is one of my favourite motivational speakers and unshakable optimist. As an entrepreneur or manager, I highly suggest checking out his book “Start with Why: How Great leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action. ” It reminds me of how important a purpose in life and a purpose in business truly is.

“People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe” – Simon Sinek

My followers for the last few years are most likely pondering why do I do what I do? Why does Lacey share so much of her life? Why is she choosing to highlight emotions like sadness and anger?

I want you to feel like someone else has been on the same battlefield as you. It is purpose in life to know that someone will read my stories, watch my videos and not feel alone in their struggles.

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