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Fear removes freedom

The 7 Pillars of Freedom

Even on a small level, this concept is true in most areas of our lives. If you are worried about being honest with your lover, talking back to your parents when they dream different than you do or just afraid to admit to your neighbor what you truely think about covid-19… then you are not free. The entire planet has been shifting the last 12 months. Covid 19 restrictions for Canadians are a strict reminder that freedom is a privilege, not a right. Everything seems to be lost for many of us. And hope is dropping.

Understand that the secret to happiness is freedom. And know in your heart that the secret to freedom is courage. If we are not allowed the basic freedoms in our life; we will never be truly happy.  Things like freedom of speech, religion, assembly and the press. When are afraid, we don’t take action.

I found a delightful children’s cartoon, that reminded me that certain freedoms are a right. This is a universal understand that applies to all of us. The Pillars of Freedom tell us that even dragons have to have the right to fly and breath fire.

Fear removes freedom.

When you are afraid, you will not do what you know you need to do out of concern for uncertain outcomes. The list of fears in our lives is vast. Depending on your current life situation, this uneasiness can come from very differnt things. Sometimes we look at other people and think how brave they are for taking chances. Taking a risk and stepping outside the box.

Fear of failure or loss. Fear of judgment or of losing control.

These are just a few examples of the some of the biggest fears that people have. The fear of failure holds you back from taking action and causes you to procrastinate. A fear of loss can stimulate negative emotions like anger that stop you from being the person you can be. If you fear judgment from others then you try and please everyone. The outcome is that you end up please no-one. A lot of people are falling short of their potential but they don’t mind because they are in control. In order to get over this fear, you need to accept that you never have total control anyway.

If you can take away some of these fears, what could you accomplish in your life?

Have you ever thought about quitting your job, starting your own business and traveling the world? This is a common dream for many people. yet most of us never find away to make the dream come true. Giving up our securities can be a terrifying thought. Change is overwhelming for most of us. It is just easy to stay comfortable. But most of us go home at the end of the day are not happy. Comfortable yes, but not happy. I addressed this issue a few weeks ago when I asked my followers the question of Are You Happy?

Saying and being who you are is true freedom. Fear removes freedom and freedom is what gives real happiness.