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Despite the tag line and global brand of the Covid 19 pandemic “We are all in this together” I confidently say that the proof over the last year and have shows that we are not all in this together. The media has allowed anger, aggression and bullies to be the hero’s of this crisis. Maybe they think if they continue to shove it down our throats 24/7 it will make all the negative ok.

We are not all in this together.

When I started to share on social media that I hated wearing a mask and was struggling. I shared that I had a panic attack while getting groceries and the online trolls ripped into me. Friends and collegues that I had know for 10+ years suddenly turned on me both publicly and private. Sitting at home with their spouses and kids demanding that I just suck it up and stop voicing my issues. As I openly shared my problems wearing masks the attacks continued.

It blows my mind that not one person offered to help me. But they had the time to search me out on social media and try and shame me. But yet I get called selfish… and I am the evil person. Those actions were the first behaviors last year that showed me that we are not all in this together.

Those same people who have pegged me as selfish are also the same people who have stopped going out at 7pm to pay homage to the frontline workers. Lasted year when this all started people across the planet went out on balconies and streets and banged pots and pans to show our support. Now, over a year later, with the second and third wave and second or third variants (oh my gawd I cant keep track anymore) Our frontline workers are exhausted and still working hard for us. Yet you stopped supporting them. What? Are you tired? Stressed? Need more time to waste snitching on your neighbors and trolling the enemy on social media that you can’t be bothered.

If we were all in this together, why are the frontline workers still working extra hard for you, while you hide in your house and become keyboard warriors.

Take a look at the vaccine roll out around the world. Most of you know how I feel about the vaccines. But it baffles me that communities like Toronto some how managed to give out first doses of the vax to the richest areas like   They also upset the nurses when that group of health frontline workers were not put as a priority. One of them angrily commented that this actions says that their labour is important but not their health.

And my favorite example of us all being in this together? How about the fact that with all of shut downs, it has been the low and middle class jobs that have suffered the most. CEOs, managers etc all had jobs that were easily transitioned online. Hotel workers, wait staff and retail employees suffered the most.

We are NOT all in this together.

Banks around the globe made close to 12.4 billion dollars in overdraft fees. For those of you who are still beleiving that the locks downs and closures are for you safety.

This means that banks took over twelve billion from people who had no money during a supposed global pandemic.



After all of this, how can any of you still think that we are all in this together? We might have all gone into lock down at the same time but are coming out of it very different.