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If there is any possibility of risk, informed consent must be given. When it comes to our health and well being, it should not be more complicated that this.

If there is a risk from treatment of any medical procedure, people need to have choice. There must be informed consent. Simple.

My youtube video and the basis of this blog was taken from a post by the Union of the People. You can read the full article here. Pfizer’s Vaccine: The Not So Silent Killer It goes much deeper into the report that Pfizer finally released to the public. My blog is merely a summary of what I believe are the most important points. Finally! The public has access to the information on the actual results from Pfizers testing. We now have the knowledge to make a choice. Yet, informed consent is still not permitted. Forcing the vaccine on workers, or they will loose their jobs is not consent on any level. Instead of waiting 75 years, a court ordered Pfizer to release their COVID-19 ‘Vaccine Post Marketing Experience’ papers. These documents are a result of the cumulative cases reports up until February, 2021. All adverse events and potential risks were recorded in depth out of 42,086 subjects.  These subjects had were diverse in age, sex, and race. Some of the major adverse event categories that resulted in serious and life threatening effects are; vaccine associated enhanced disease, vaccine enhanced respiratory disease, effects in pregnancy & lactation, pyrexia, cerebrovascular venous & sinus thrombosis, facial paralysis, immune-mediated effects, musculoskeletal effects, anaphylactic reactions, cardiovascular effects, and lack of efficacy. Out of the test subjects, 1665, that is approximately 4%, of the total post marketing database reported lack of efficacy events.

What exactly does Informed consent mean?

According to The Legal “It is the act of agreeing to allow something to happen, or to do something, with a full understanding of all the relevant facts, including risks, and available alternatives. That full knowledge and understanding is the necessary factor in whether an individual can give informed consent.” Do you need to go back and read that again? The legal term for informed consent is that a person has full knowledge and understanding of all facts and possible risks. I would think that any person who thinks for them self would want to know the potential negative side effects of any treatment.

Before Covid came along this was the accepted norm.

I had a brain tumour. When I spoke with neurologists and they told me their proposed treatment, I was also given the risks. I was able to go to google and find out what the chances were of achieving the desired outcome was. Facts, statistics, percentages of successes with other patients undergoing the same procedure… It was all there for me. I was able to ask questions, seek answers and make the best decision for my body and my life.

If you look at the facts. The risk of adverse reactions to the vaccine are higher than my risk of dying from Covid.

For cardiovascular adverse events, 1403 cases (3.3%) were confirmed. 1441 relevant events occurred with 946 serious adverse events and 496 non-serious. Reported serious adverse events include, but are not limited to, Tachycardia (1098), Arrhythmia (102), Myocardial infarction (41), Cardiac failure (80), Acute myocardial infarction (41), and cardiac failure acute (11). It’s crazy to now see that myocarditis and pericarditis are one of many cardiovascular side effects of the mRNA vaccine. Click here to read the Pfizer Post Marketing Experience. I can not stress this enough. Choose to get this medical treatment if you want it, but why would you force it on those that don’t want it these are known risks? If you support vaccine passes, then I would honestly like to know why? You have more than a 1% chance of surviving Covid-19 but you have more than a 4% chance of getting an adverse reaction from the vaccine…

Why would anyone want to force this on another human being?