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Meningioma 4 Month Update

Meningioma 4 Month Update

It has been just over four months since they found my meningioma. Nothing much has changed. In case you haven’t read my previous ‘health’ blogs they found a blood clot in October. I was put on blood thinners and told they won’t operate until I I am off. I will be done...
Back on anti-anxiety medication.

Back on anti-anxiety medication.

I had to make a hard choice today. I am struggling though as to ‘why’ it was so hard for me.  It wasn’t a hard choice the last time. I went into my doctor for a check in this afternoon and I asked for a refill on my Quetiapine aka Seroque. Sleeping the last few weeks...
Brain Surgery Post-poned

Brain Surgery Post-poned

I was supposed to go in for brain surgery today and have this tumour removed.   I was wide awake at 3am and it was all I could think about. I had big intentions of updating my blog but life and the business of the holidays got in the way.  It was extra hard to be...

2018 Jeep Wrangler and Time to Relax.

This has been a very challenging couple of weeks.  With doctor appointments, hospital visits and trying to get everything organized before Christmas I feel overwhelmed.  I am thankful that I have a job that I love.  It makes life easier.  As an automotive journalist...
Christmas Greed

Christmas Greed

I have a brain tumour.  I have said it out loud at least a dozen times and it still doesn’t feel real.  Me, 40 something, health conscious person has a brain tumour.  Christmas is a month away and yet is the 4cm lump in my head is all I can think about.  It has been...

Sample of MONAT for healthy hair.

I have been chatting with friends about the MLM and direct sales companies that they are involved with and MONAT is very popular.  Lydia sent me some samples to try and I am looking forward to it.  I don’t know anything about the company or the product at all....