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Finally, a Surgery Date.

Finally, a Surgery Date.

Another phone call last week that caused another bit of an anxiety attack. Thursday,  the neurosurgeon called to let me know that I would be going in for my surgery Friday May 4. I was moving out of my home, downsizing and renting a room with a friend.  As well as...

Downsizing – Full Time RV?

I am going to do it.  After getting rid of more than half of my ‘stuff’ I have realized what little of it I really need.  I will be buying myself my first recreational vehicle.  Not a motorhome or fifth wheel; a nice fancy travel trailer. I don’t...
I am Downsizing

I am Downsizing

Downsizing, living life more simply or, the current trend is called minimalizing.  No matter you call it, my journey has been labeling it, “getting rid of all the shit I don’t need.” Simple.  Strangely it has not really been that simple at all. I have never had a lot...
A Mothers Perspective

A Mothers Perspective

My mom plays a big role in my life. I know that my struggles have been hard for her and I asked if she would share some of her thoughts and feelings. That is what my blog is about. Not just my life. The other people in my life and the people who have similar stories...
Naked Photos.

Naked Photos.

I have been on a few dates with a real nice guy, Kolt.  I hate using the word nice because it seems sort simple. The thesaurus suggested swell, kind, cordial, charming, curious, friendly and I would say he is all of those things. We have both said we are not dating...


Gaslighting. “A form of intimidation or psychological abuse, false information is presented to the victim, making them doubt their own memory, perception and quite often, their sanity.” I have struggled with self doubt in my life. I would bet that anyone reading...