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Why Did He Hit Me?

Why Did He Hit Me?

I don’t think I will ever know the real reason that he hit me.  I don’t want to admit it, who does?  By admitting it out loud, it changes things.  If I admit that I let someone control me, means that I was not in control of myself.  As a strong woman, a woman...
If only things were different.

If only things were different.

I ran into my ex today at the gym.  He said he googled the symptoms of a meningioma and he said I showed 8 out of 10 of them… “I’m sorry Lacey, if only things had been different…’ WTF? What doest that mean? You are sorry that I am sick?  Are you sorry that you...
Back on anti-anxiety medication.

Back on anti-anxiety medication.

I had to make a hard choice today. I am struggling though as to ‘why’ it was so hard for me.  It wasn’t a hard choice the last time. I went into my doctor for a check in this afternoon and I asked for a refill on my Quetiapine aka Seroque. Sleeping the last few weeks...
Brain Surgery Post-poned

Brain Surgery Post-poned

I was supposed to go in for brain surgery today and have this tumour removed.   I was wide awake at 3am and it was all I could think about. I had big intentions of updating my blog but life and the business of the holidays got in the way.  It was extra hard to be...
The Greatest Showman Movie Review

The Greatest Showman Movie Review

Disclaimer; I freaking love musicals.  I will do my best to be unbiased, but I got shivers down my arm the first time I saw the trailer for this movie. The Greatest Showman opens  with the credits and showing Hugh Jackman under the stands filled with people.  His...
Sparkling Hill Resort & Spa

Sparkling Hill Resort & Spa

The Sparkling Hill Resort is located at  888 Sparkling Place in Vernon, British Columbia  V1H 2K7 Canada Ever since my first stay at this stunning hotel it has been one of my favorite places to go relax and unwind.  All three of my visits here so far have been for...